What is Good?

What is Good?

“Acquaint now thyself with him and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” (Job 22:21).

The paradigm shift we are moving into with our relationship with God is from what He can do for you to who God is to you.

In the beginning, found in Genesis Chapter One, throughout this chapter we read the word “good” which God spoke into creation. This word – good – is found among all the trees in the Garden of Eden: The Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, and all the other trees. God commanded the Man telling him that every tree in the garden he could eat freely except for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:16-17). God makes this commandment to Man while woman is still within his form. There is only one Being created in the Image of God after His Kind at this time in the Scriptures which was called Man or Adam – male/female – in one form (Genesis 5:1).

Throughout the history of Christianity this topic and these Scriptures have been analyzed and justified from a diversity of denominations, cultures, genders, races, and set times in history as the absolute authority of what God is saying to all of humanity at their moment. This raises up the political platform of logic and reason instead of the relationship of what God was speaking forth in His creation to be honored. This political platform becomes the religious justification for the next generation, and we call this the "faith of Christianity."

Let us stop and ask a few realistic questions if we move beyond the literal word “trees” used in Scripture and consider it metaphorically: 

  • What Trees in the Garden of Eden, or places that we fellowship with God, would God call good? 
  • What is the fruit on the Tree of Life in our Christian fellowship among other trees that are eatable? 
  • What does the fruit look like? 
  • Does it have any smell, taste, or touch that would distinguish hearing the voice of God saying to us, “That fruit is good on that tree but not on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?” 
  • What about the “other” trees that God said for us to eat from – do they have anything coming from their fruit that would ignite our senses? If so, is this evil? 
  • Could we consider that if the Garden of where God fellowships within each of us, and each of us are triune beings – spirit, soul, and body – could we consider the Tree of Life as Spirit, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as the flesh, and the other trees in the garden the soul within ourselves?

As we move to Genesis 3 with the woman taken out of Man hanging around the one tree that God commanded NOT to go near, let’s take a closer look at what might be happening. The woman in this scene seems to be the rebellious one against the commandment of God, but is she really being defiant, or is she listening to the voice of God the way Man heard and perceived while she was still in the womb? Remember, the woman was not birthed yet from man’s side yet. 

Metaphorically, the woman is the womb-man of the man…the part of the man that gives birth to creation thought. This is not about a gender issue, but the creative part of humanity that comes from our DNA. The authority to name something is unique to humanity. For us to be able to name is to share in God’s creative act. God had to put the man portion created from the ground, just as all the other animals were, to sleep – death – to awaken the Divine DNA within him. Before God put him to death, man could give a name, nature, and identity to all the other “Kind” that God brought before him, but he could not identify himself within himself until he was “born again,” and the spark of Divine Spirit Life was activated within him.

Man identifies the “womb-man” as himself, bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh that came out of him.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 15:11, “What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” Jesus was challenging the culture using the law and literal interpretation of Scripture as limited to the soul and flesh versus what God does by the creative power of words and spirit.

The woman or womb of the man is having a conversation with a creation of another “kind” other than the Divine voice of God. How did the serpent even have the nature to speak words? Did God say…or did the ability to have a conversation come from the Divine of man – the womb of man give life for the serpent to speak?

“For from within, out of the heart of men – the womb of men, - proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,” (Mark 7:21).

The woman – womb of man - introduces the word “touch” into creation as if it was yet spoken by God. We know that all things are created by God and for God, so it is rightful to say that this word “touch” was within the form of man while woman was still in the womb, a word created by God, but spoken into creation by man via woman first.

“For every tree is known by its own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:44-45). 

This word “touch” created by God, was first brought forth by humanity -woman- as the “helpmate” of man, created in the image and likeness of God. After the woman – todays bride of Christ – perceived that the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge was “good” and ate of it, she then gave it to her husband whom she was created to be the helpmate for. The “he” and “she” in this scene literally has a gender of male and female, but in the oneness of Christ, there is only one MAN – our thoughts and actions of Divine creation being manifested within ourselves.

I could go on a rabbit trail with this thought and ask the question, “Does the church -the bride of Christ today- still give to her husband – Jesus Christ – fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that she has eaten from and asks him to eat with her? Does the church truly manifest as one body of Christ as the womb of Christ or the WOMAN?

When the word “touch” is introduced in Job 19:21, “Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends; for the hand of God hath touched me,” it comes from a position of God’s mercy and love. While Job is going through the worst imaginable trials and tribulations seeking wisdom and direction from those friends, he is close to, they don’t know the full heart of the Father. Job's friends could only perceive through their own knowledge the reason and purpose of what Job was challenged with. What Tree do you think they were considering this word "good" that Job was referring to from God?

God told Man that all the trees in the garden are "good for food." What is the difference between the "good" from the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, or the other trees in the garden? If there is already "good" from the Tree of Life and the "other trees" in the garden, why was it necessary for God to even place the Tree of Knowledge amid the garden knowing it would tempt Man to disobedience?

Something to also consider in this picture of Man and Woman taking from the Tree of Knowledge and eating the fruit together is a spirit, soul bonding of LOVE into the unknown. After they both eat of this fruit of Knowledge, they both became aware of their nakedness. They were always naked, but now it became a knowledge that brought fear and separation from God.

Before Man & Woman took of the fruit of Knowledge, they did not have any awareness or understanding of what Good was. God had created good all around them, but neither of them could put a form on what "good" was. They had no understanding that there was a difference of "good" between the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, or the other trees in the garden. They simply knew "good" was identified as food. 

Keep in mind that at this time in Scripture, the word "food" would have a different meaning for humanity in the Garden of Eden before eating from the Tree of Knowledge. We consider "eating" as literally biting into an apple or piece of fruit to be digested in our flesh, but the body of Man before the fall was not in need of literal food, but spiritual. The Man and the Woman – womb of the man – was a glorified spirit, soul, and body created after the image and likeness of God.

Our hindsight thoughts of what this picture of the Man and Woman hanging around the Tree of Knowledge together and talking to a snake in a tree tends to come from the imagination of an artist picture. Today we can read the story and place our own understanding creating our own Tree of Knowledge within our own Garden of Eden where we fellowship with God. 

Also, consider that it is the Holy Spirit who has drawn you to even read Genesis or any Scripture. You were already a chosen vessel by God whether you were aware of it yet or not. As a chosen vessel, it is now your decision to ask the question of what is "good" according to God. What fruit is acceptable to eat? What trees produce acceptable food that God has said are good other than the Tree of Life? How does the fruit from the "other trees" in our personal gardens bring blessings to compliment the Tree of Life and not death?

The Tree of Knowledge is based on contrast - black/white - no color, no grey. It is Man's interpretation of what God called "good" which is why there is a voice of contrast in the Tree of Knowledge referred to as a serpent that presents the question, "Did God say?" The voice speaking to the Woman has a place in the garden because god, Adam, did say to her, the spirit man speaking to his spirit in the womb. Man was created in the image and likeness of God, the creator of All.

She answered correctly to the voice in the Tree of Knowledge because it was the same voice of her spirit man while she was still in the womb of MAN. Having the possession of "good" in our garden does not necessarily give the realization of "what is good." It is for this reason that God planted one Tree called Life that has the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and another Tree called knowledge of Good and Evil that has the fruit of death, whether it be good or evil according to the spirit, soul, and body of Man created in the image of God. This Tree of Knowledge it is impossible to know "good" without also knowing "evil." By having a place in our heart for limitations of “good” with the fruit of the Holy Spirit from the Tree of Life, we root up from the Tree of Knowledge what Jesus destroyed. Remember, both the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge were planted next to each other in the heart of the garden.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is spoken of by Paul in Galatians, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23). When we say we “love,” but…we limit the flow of our Divine love from the Tree of Life led by the Holy Spirit to our humanity’ ability to love.

"Judge not, least you be judged by what you judged another." As we grow up in the image we were Divinely created to Be, before we were conceived in our mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:5), we come to an unveiling of our hearts that recognize that it is no longer what God can do for us, but who God is to us. From this position, we become His image and likeness while yet in our natural body in this world (1 John 4:17).

When we stay in the nature of the Tree of Life of what we consider God said is Good, yet our thoughts are coming from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, we will be judged by what that "good" really is. It may be our beliefs with Christianity, politics, gender, race, education, culture, history, media, relationships, etc. If we put a form on "good" then we will also be putting a form on "evil."

So how do we manage these issues that are in our garden, family, friends, neighbors, jobs, cultures, traditions? Be in the world, but not of the world. Come up higher and perceive this situation from the Kingdom of God. Let the unconditional Love of God go before you to carry you through the challenges of "what is good?" If we died in Christ according to 2 Corinthians 5:17, then the Life we are to be living today is the Life of the Resurrected Christ Jesus as His body in the earth, not the body of the old Man, but all together, all humanity, as One New Man. “Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that He might make in Himself one new man out of the two, so making peace” (Ephesians 2:15).

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the Tree that Jesus hung on – the cross. Our position today as the bride of Christ – the Church- is to take our worldly issues of Knowledge of Good and Evil and leave them on that cross, not carry them with us so that we too are living the resurrected Life of passing over death - spirit, soul, and body – to Be in this world, not the fleshly body of the earth, but the glorified heavenly body of Christ with many members.

God is Spirit. God is Light. God is Life. The three are One. There is no black or grey. There is no darkness. However, there is diversity of energy frequency in Light. The lower the frequency the more time is involved to bring the things of God into manifestation. As we move to higher frequencies, we go through rainbow colors of red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple. Each of these colors carry an unveiling of the essence of God in man from: Prophetic visions, humbled servants’ heart, Spirit led teaching, Spirit led exhorting and encouraging, Spirit led giver of the identity and Name of the Father, ruling and reigning with Him in Heavenly places in the earth, releasing the right-hand of Mercy and Grace to the world.

Come up Higher. If the literal concepts and teachings of Christianity have been producing weeds in your garden because of not discerning what God calls "good," come up higher into the realm of thermodynamics that God is Light by reaching for the fruit of the Holy Spirit that speaks the voice of the Father saying, “God is LOVE."

As the literal Word of God is raised from your death concepts and the colors of the rainbow shines through you from your dwelling place with God in your heart, come up Higher to experience with Him each frequency of color through His Word. When you reach the realm of Mercy and Grace come up Higher again into the realm of electromagnetic energy. This realm is the Holy of Holies. It is where God is intimate with His Bride together upon the Mercy Seat. There is only God. Issues of the world do not exist in this realm. This is the realm where our loved ones that have gone before us now reside. They are Spirit, they are Love, and they are LIFE according to what God says is LIFE, not Man who determines life by what is Good or Evil. 

As we come up Higher, we also find out that time becomes shorter and shorter. Time does not exist as we cross over from the electromagnetic realm of Life into quantum reality into the NOW. Jesus said to tell the world that the Kingdom of God is at hand or NOW. He spoke the quantum realm into the reality of MAN's world discerned by the Tree of Knowledge before the cross. The resurrection LIFE Jesus Christ released upon the earth for all to embrace became manifested for several centuries of us simply shifting from the scene realm into the unseen realm while in our natural body…but then humanities eyes became dim, and the law was reactivated. It wasn't until the turn of the 1900's that the idea that our thoughts can become facts NOW, and that all the universe responds to the voice of the creator within each of us. However, apart from Jesus Christ we are nothing, for it is the unity of us in Christ, and He in us that releases the Divine presence of God in the earth. (John 17).

The world we have created by our own thoughts and perceptions can be changed instantly when we come up Higher and allow Christ within each of us to speak through us as Living Epistles of the WORD made flesh and dwells among man (John 1:14).

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:1-5).