The Riches of His Grace

The Riches of His Grace


What are the riches of God's Grace through the blood of Jesus Christ that has forgiven us of our trespasses and sins?

Each time the enemy of God tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, he did so by quoting a Scripture from the Old Testament. If this is the tactic the enemy of God uses with the Son of God to take the anointing of Heaven from Him, maybe we should take a better look of how Jesus defeated Satan to make sure we as Christians are not aligning ourselves with God's enemy.

The Riches of His Grace

"Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him (Ephesians 1:5-10).

What are the riches of God's Grace through the blood of Jesus Christ that has forgiven us of our trespasses and sins?

Each time the enemy of God tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, he did so by quoting a Scripture from the Old Testament. If this is the tactic the enemy of God uses with the Son of God to take the anointing of Heaven from Him, maybe we should take a better look of how Jesus defeated Satan to make sure we as Christians are not aligning ourselves with God's enemy.

"When the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But Jesus answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" (Matt. 4:3-4). This is a conversation from Scripture found in Deuteronomy 8:3.

Jesus is saying that mankind – you and me- live (the Christian LIFE) by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Now here is the twist to what religion has been saying. Where is the mouth of God? When we teach that God is somewhere "out there," we are literally teaming up with the enemy of God, and we are grieving the Holy Spirit.

Paul taught us that God is in us – Christ in you the hope of Glory (Col. 1:27). Jesus told the religious leaders "Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? (John 10:34) as He is quoting from Psalm 82:6.

So, what are the riches of His grace that Paul wrote about? Let's take a closer look at Paul's message to the Ephesians.

He uses the word "predestinated to Himself" in verse five of chapter one. This comes from a finished work of God BEFORE we even had any thought to choose. We often hear messages about choosing God, but His word says He chose us first (John 15:16). Can we consider this with our natural lives? Did any of us have a say in the matter about who our parents would be, our gender, our birthplace, the culture we would be born into, the time in history we would be born? Not one person in all humanity had those options, yet the Christian faith has been teaching that we do. Maybe it isn't about choosing God to escape hell but choosing God to have a relationship with Him so that our true inheritance can be manifested in the earth.

In verse six of this chapter, Paul writes that Grace is connected to praise what God Himself made us – this glory of Christ is found IN us – acceptable in the Beloved or "unconditional LOVE." This is not a "feel good" experience, but a personified identity of God Himself – the DNA of His image of Christ, who is in every human being BECAUSE of the finished work of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ (John 19:30). 

Paul continues in chapter one writing that in the fullness of time this mystery is revealed as the Father gathers the many members (all humanity) of the one body of Christ Jesus whom Jesus is the head of this one new man called Christ.

Is Paul telling us that the riches of Grace are more than being saved by Grace so that we can go to Heaven someday? Let us consider that Paul is showing us a mystery: God planted within humanity HIS dunamis power of the Holy Spirit – the breath of God – that was activated to be released from our mortal flesh when Jesus Christ rose from the grave and breathed the breath of LIFE (John 20:22). This breath of our risen Savior was for all humanity, unveiling the truth of our DNA inheritance so that today we can live and move and have our Divine BEING presence in our natural body IN HIM, IN the one body of CHRIST – His true church!

In the second chapter of Ephesians, Paul continues with this thought of the blessings of God from the finished work of Jesus Christ:

"You have been quickened (given resurrection life), while you were dead in trespasses and sins." In each of our pasts, we were all caught up in the way the world functions. Scripture refers to this as being dead, yet in the natural you are alive. When a person is dead, they can't make spiritual choices. They are dead! You are alive in a survival mode looking out for oneself according to the ways the world/cultures operate around us. We weren't looking for the Kingdom of God/Heaven's presence. 

Christianity has been teaching spirituality is connected to a place one goes after they leave their natural body. If they say a "sinner's prayer" accepting Jesus as their personal Savior, they go to Heaven, and if not, they go to hell. Paul's teaching was not about a someday place, but the anointing of the power of Christ being released in and through humanity today because of what Jesus Christ had already completed (Ephesians 2:1-3).

Resurrection Life today has not been a part of the doctrine teachings brought through church history, yet it has been there since the writings of the New Testament. God's mercy is so powerful directing His Love to each of us even while we were dead having no awareness of His presence. (Ephesian 2:4-5).

God unveiled His dunamis power – riches - of Grace through the resurrection of Jesus Christ upon ALL humanity, bringing the fullness of Salvation to each person, AND raising each one of us to sit together with Jesus Christ today in the throne room of Heaven where Jesus is NOW. (vs. 6).

Paul refers to "the ages to come" as a prophetic word that has already been established. As the Holy Spirit works through Christians in the world today speaking to the spirit of those dead in trespasses and sin, resurrection LIFE is released, raising the dead to LIFE – ETERNAL LIFE POWER now while they are in their natural body. This is the exceeding riches of our Heavenly Father's grace in His kindness towards us through Christ Jesus.  It is the Father's dunamis power of His grace that we are saved (resurrected from the dead in wholeness) through the Father's faith. It is only through the Father's faith that this happens, has already happened, and will continue to happen. A dead man doesn't have any faith. Even our belief that this is real is because God imparted His faith for us to believe (Ephesians 2:6-9).

God created all humanity in His image after His Kind to reproduce the way He reproduces. we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which He ordained before we were created that we should walk, move, and have our being presence in His image. How does a "God Kind" reproduce? Just like Jesus did. When we know who we are in Christ Jesus, we speak the WORD in God's authority, nature, and Name. The universe must respond to the Spirit of God in us because of the level of energy being released. God is LIGHT, LIFE, and LOVE. There is no fear or darkness or shadows in His presence (Ephesians 2:10). A higher authority's presence – Christ in you – will rule over a lower authority – self, soul, world, beastly kingdom.

When humanity is born into the world as a newborn baby, we become spirit beings from our Heavenly Father who knew us before we were conceived in our mother's womb (Jer. 1:5). We were made perfect and beautiful before our natural body was created (Psalm 139). The first breath we took in our natural body released life to our natural members, but our spirit man had yet to be empowered. We grew up as a natural being, processing what life is with our soul and emotions as we encounter our surroundings of being good or bad – life or death. During this season of our life, we are not aware that we have the DNA of Christ written on our heart (Eccl. 3:11). Our spirit man has been trusting on the soul's will and emotions for the health of the body. All this season varies with individuals. For some, the Holy Spirit begins leading and guiding when one is very young. For others, they may spend their whole life as a believer in Christ Jesus, yet never truly be led by the Holy Spirit to do the Father's business while in their natural body. It is the Father that knows in the fullness of the individual's journey of LIFE, God quickens – turns on the switch – of the individual's Holy Spirit by the essence of the Spirit of Christ Jesus who has reconciled all humanity back to the Father (Ephesians 2:11-13).

After forty days from the resurrection, Jesus told His disciples, "For John truly baptized with water; but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt you at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And Jesus said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power. But you will receive power, after that the Holy Ghost will come upon you: and you will be witnesses (have my name, nature, and identity) unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1: 5-8). The baptism of the Holy Spirit gives us the full riches of the Grace of the Father to BE doing the greater works of Jesus Christ unveiling the Kingdom of Heaven.

The riches of the Grace of God were released at the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is our peace. In the eyes of God there is no separation of sin and death. The finished work of Jesus Christ united all of Heaven and earth, the visible and invisible into one new man called Christ whom Jesus is the head of the body. This is the good news that Paul preached and gave his life for (Ephesians 2:14-18).

Today, all of humanity are no longer separated from the presence and love of our Heavenly Father. If there may seem to be a separation from God, it is a lie that we may choose to believe. Today, all of humanity are part of the household of God, and heirs of His Kingdom whom Jesus Christ is the firstborn of many brethren (Ephesians 2:19-20).

God created ALL humanity in His image after His kind – male and female – to go forth and reproduce "god kind," not humans. He then rested in completion of all He created in both Heaven and earth. The finished work of Jesus Christ brought the spirit of god to the full glory of Christ, found within all humanity as ONE NEW MAN, whom each of us are built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit (Ephesians 2:21-22).

When the Spirit of Christ moves across the face – humanities thoughts - of ignorance, logic, reason, and even death – the breath of God says, "Let there BE LIGHT." This is the assignment of the church – the body of Christ today. Saving lost souls is more than telling humanity about the cross and resurrection but releasing the same Holy Spirit through you that raised Jesus from the dead, and you – as a member of His body – speak, "LIGHT, LOVE, and LIFE" to those in captivity setting them free (Romans 8:2, Revelation 22:17).

The water baptism that John shared to the world over 2,000 years ago was, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." The baptism of Jesus Christ that the church was commissioned to share is the Holy Spirit setting the captives free and doing the greater works of Jesus filling the earth with the glory of God today while in our natural body. 

Let their BE, LIGHT, LIFE, and LOVE in the earth as it has already been finished in Heaven.