Is the Resurrection Life of Christ in You?
“Let us pass over unto the other side.” (Mark 4:35).
It is now evening of the same day that Jesus spent much time speaking to a multitude of people about the Kingdom of God in parables. We have the parable of the sower sowing seeds on various types of ground. We have the parable about a light hidden. We have a parable about how the seed grows, even when it is as small as a mustard seed. For each of these parables Jesus is talking in an everyday illustration with a deeper significance of what Heaven is really like. Those that needed simple advice on how to grow a garden, or how not to burn your house down, these stories were applicable, and the multitude were satisfied.
However, for those that are disciples and followers of Jesus, these stories were challenging. They knew there was more to the story and were not satisfied. How satisfied are you with your relationship with Jesus? Are you as the multitude of followers looking for a quick message that will be advice on how to deal with your finances, or your fears? Do you seek the Christian life so that someday you’ll go to Heaven, and you have that ticket of assurance?
Jesus said to His twelve disciples when they were alone, and the multitude had been satisfied and left, “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables” (Mark 4:11).
Think of when you were a child and satisfied to color with a box of crayons that had the eight basic colors. Then consider as you got older and found out that there were more colors to explore. Those boxes of crayons that contained sixty-four, ninety-six, and one-hundred and twenty crayons all came from the basics of those eight crayons as colors were blended. So, it is with the teachings of Jesus.
For most Christians we are satisfied with a quick prayer now and then throughout the day and at meals. We may have a few minutes of devotional time by reading a Scripture, and we have confessed that we received Jesus as our personal Savior knowing that someday when we die we will be in Heaven with Him.
The confusion comes when Christians try to explain where Jesus is today. Some will say, “He walks and talks with me wherever I go. He’s with me always.” But then when a loved one dies they say, “We know they are in Heaven. They’ve gone to be with Jesus.” Where did they go? Wasn’t Jesus already with them?
In this same chapter in Mark, on the same day after Jesus shared his teachings on the Kingdom of Heaven, He says in verse 36, “Let US pass over to the other side.”
Have you ever wondered who the “us” Jesus is referring to is? Remember, on that same day Jesus just gave several examples of the Kingdom of Heaven via parables, but those that were just looking for a surface teaching, those same parables were able to teach them also.
In the Scriptures, where do we first find the word “US” mentioned? It is first stated by God in Genesis 3:22, “And the Lord God, Yahweh Elohim said, Behold the man is become as one of US to know good and evil.” This word “us” is a pronoun of the word “we.” The word “we” is used for a group of people that includes the speaker. When royalty speaks, wherever they could use the word “I” as singular, they will use the word “we” representing that their “I” is inclusive with their group of people they rule.
When God is using the word “us” in Genesis 3:22 in the position of Elohim, there is a singular Divine authority with the plurality of the ALL of God.
After Jesus made this statement to pass over to the other side Mark 4:36 says, “And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships.” After this, a great storm arose filling the boat full of water while Jesus was in the back part (stern or rear-end) of the ship asleep.
There are a few things I would like to point out in these verses that I believe may have a deeper impact than the story of Jesus being asleep while a great storm is taking place.
Notice in verse 36 that it says, “they took him even as He was in the ship?” Why doesn’t it say, “They took Him in the ship? Why the added information “even as He was”? Some may assume that Jesus was tired and worn out needing some rest which the story plays out in this fashion. However, to consider it more personal let’s go back to the word “us” and how it is used in the plurality of the One God Almighty with many facets.
- YHWH-Yireh — "The Lord will provide" (Genesis 22:13-14)
- YHWH-Rapha — "The Lord that healeth" (Exodus 15:26)
- YHWH-Niss"i — "The Lord our Banner" (Exodus 17:8-15)
- YHWH-Shalom — "The Lord our Peace" (Judges 6:24)
- YHWH-Ra-ah — "The Lord my Shepherd" (Psalm 23:1)
- YHWH-Tsidkenu — "The Lord our Righteousness" (Jeremiah 23:6)
- YHWH-Shammah — "The Lord is present" (Ezekiel 48:35)
In this same verse we are also informed, “there were also with Him other little ships.” First impression it sounds like Jesus is in the boat with the disciples, and there are other little ships around them on the water. Remember, when Jesus is unveiling something about the Kingdom of Heaven, He uses the natural to share spiritual understanding. There is no mention that the disciples were concerned for the little ships in this storm. Their concern was guided by fear of themselves dying WHILE Jesus, who raises the dead, is IN their ship.
Jesus does a profound display of showing Himself as YHWH-Shalom – The Lord our Peace. He doesn’t just rescue those that have Him in their ship, but He calms the storm for ALL on the water that were being affected by the storm.
So, here’s something to consider on how we can use this story in our personal relationship with Jesus.
Our storms in life have the potential to raise up the spirit of Fear within us. What ever things we go through, when fear tries to arise in the circumstance affecting our ship (our house – spirit, soul, and/or body) trying to consume us with logic, reason, insecurity, and doubt…STOP and consider who is asleep in the back of your house. Consider your body that is the temple of the Lord, where would that back side be? Ask yourself why He isn’t the captain of the host in your heart and mind?
The word FEAR can be broken down to “False evidence appearing real.” If fear is dominating the spirit, soul, and body it has control of one’s thoughts in the mind and heart. Jesus may be in the house, but He’s asleep in the backside (the butt side). When fear tries to show up, how often do we make excuses of saying something like, “Yes, I know Jesus is…, BUTT…”
Now let’s consider the other little ships. Scripture tells us they were “with Him,” not following, or with the disciples. On the close-up aerial picture looking down on the storm around the one ship with the disciples, Jesus looks like He’s in the back asleep. Often when fear comes upon us we see ourselves alone during the negative situation. However, if we come up higher in this picture, we see the other little ships that are with HIM. Jesus is no longer seen in the back of the ship, but now in the middle of the circumstance. The disciples weren’t concerned about the other ships, they were only fearing for their own life, but Jesus was woken up for the higher calling, to calm the storm for the whole region.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). The faith of the disciples was not in the ship that Jesus was asleep in. There needed to be other little ships with Him to bring the “us” of Heaven into the earth.
We are moving into a new season of unveiling the Kingdom of Heaven in the earth and filling the earth with the glory of God. This season begins when the children of God grow up to do the Father’s business on a corporate level, and not just looking out for themselves. The best wine is made by the cluster of the grapes, not one grape. We are ONE body of Christ Jesus with many members that must come together for the unity of the higher calling to be seen in the earth. This higher calling is the glory of God, Heaven on earth Now while in our natural body.
When we are assured in our spirit, soul, and body that Jesus is King and Lord of our life, we have the ability in HIS NAME to calm the storms (the fears) in others, in regions, and in atmosphere authority. Let us raise the bar to come up higher and see the Kingdom of Heaven in us, Christ in you, take authority over nations and regions.
I end with this vision to consider:
Jesus comes to visit a sick person with cancer in the hospital that was already in a coma, so there was no confession of sins or even the ability to speak to Jesus, yet the person receives total healing simply by the presence of Jesus in the room. Jesus then leaves…what happened to the others in the hospital? Did Jesus care about them? Did they get healed too?
Could we stretch our faith to believe that in the NAME of JESUS when we visit someone in the hospital, that the dunamis power of the Holy Spirit we carry within us is there to calm the storm for the whole hospital?
This is our assignment in this new season for those who hunger and thirst for the ALL of Christ Jesus.