Father Prayer
Father God, maker of all, may we enter your presence with thanksgiving, and into your courts with praise: we are humbly thankful unto you and Jesus Christ the head of your church. We bless your Holy name as we come before you in unity to pray for our Nation.
Your word tells us that judgment begins in the house of God with those who have been called by Your name. We ask that Heaven hear our hearts, as we humble ourselves before you with repentance, seeking forgiveness for our known and unknown transgressions and iniquities, that we have sown with the words of our mouth and the mediations of our hearts, leading by our natural understanding of your WORD, along with the traditions of religion, and not by your Holy Spirit. Forgive us Father for we have sinned.
Father, we as your church today have forgotten our first love that you spoke to our forefathers (Paul and John) to the church in Ephesus. We know that Jesus began His ministry with a wedding of transformation of LOVE, yet we have not done the same. Instead, we have used your word to justify, control, and separate what you called Clean, righteous, and reconciled by the finished work that Jesus completed. We ask for forgiveness.
It was written that if your Son was lifted up on the cross, He would draw all humanity to Himself, because of the great Love you have desired to be poured out by your Holy Spirit to fill the earth with your glory – Christ in each of us. Forgive us Father for focusing on the dirt upon the body of Christ that You cleaned, instead of calling forth the hidden treasures you placed in each person’s heart.
Father, you appointed us as leaders and overseers of your church to prepare her as a bride prepares herself for her beloved bridegroom for her wedding day. We have failed you Father in this assignment keeping your children from growing up. We have spent many years focusing on the milk of your word instead of manifesting the meat. We have spent more energy in leadership promoting the ministry of John the Baptist: A messages of repentance as sinners and water baptism, and not the Baptism you gave to us through Jesus Christ, for Jesus said, “I have a greater witness or ministry than John’s; for the works which the Father has given Me to finish—the very works that I do—bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me.” The Baptism of Jesus was with the Holy Spirit so that we would have Heavenly power to share the good news Jesus told us to share: “That the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven is Now”, and there would be the manifestation of healing the sick and raising the dead – spirit, soul, and body.
We have failed you Father, for the earth and all creation is still waiting for almost 2000 years for the Sons and Daughters of the Most High to be doing the greater works that Jesus said we would have the power and authority to be doing because He finished His assignment. Father we ask for help to finish ours. We press in to the promise Paul wrote to Corinth, that if we cleansed ourselves from judging others from our heart, our spirit, You would raise us up to Be the manifestation of sons and daughter to the Lord Almighty. Forgive us Father, for we have sinned.
Father, Just as You told the church of Ephesus, You are aware of how hard we have worked and how patient you have been. You have encouraged us to not tolerate evil, and that we will suffer for Your name sake, but not to give up.
Yet Father, there is still something within us that we have missed the mark, just as the Church of Ephesus: We do not love You today as a bride longs for her beloved, but we have reduced our relationship to complacency in our hearts more like the Church of Laodicea had done. We repent Father. We ask that you stir the passion of your LOVE back into our hearts, removing the temptation to judge and condemn, and fill us with the desire to eat from the Tree of Life. The Tree that we find the fruit of the Holy Spirit within your people. Teach us to know one another by your Spirit, and not by our religion, race, gender, politics, education, economics, or even by what the media tries to amplify.
We are reminded that Jesus gave His body as broken bread for us to remember Him with forgiving one another and uniting His body together by His blood that transforms our hearts. Forgive us Father for we have been taking communion wrongly as the evidence seen in the earth, that we still have sickness, dis-ease, and even death among ourselves/ your church/your body.
Father, we ask that you unveil to us the blessings you gave the first Apostle, Mary Magdalene. Out of the desperation of her wanting to know where “The Lord’s body was”, You gave her the greatest message ever told, for she had not only heard the good news, as we in leadership share today, but she saw the resurrected Christ Jesus, her beloved. We ask that you help us to see Christ Jesus today as Mary did, so that we too can live and have our being in Him while we function in this world.
Father, help us to lift up our love for one another as a body. Help us purify ourselves by obeying the truth so that our love for each other will be sincere, deep and from the heart. May our love for one another prove that we are Your sons and daughters of the Most High. Give us your Holy Spirit of unity so that we may glorify You with one heart and voice. We ask that you help us accept one another as we clothe ourselves in love, so that when the world sees the church, no matter what denomination, they see Christ.
May the message you gave to our forefather, St. Paul be unveiled today in our hearts When he wrote to the Ephesians:
“I urge you, I who am a prisoner because I serve the Lord: live a life that measures up to the standard God set when he called you. Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another. Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives by means of the peace that binds you together. For there is only one body and one Spirit, just as there is one hope to which God has called you. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism; there is one God who is Father of all people, who is Lord of all people, working through all people, and in all people whether we see it yet or not. Father teach us to NOT limit the ALL of what you are doing in this season by our own logic and reasoning.”
Father, teach us also this day to love one another as Jesus loved us first while we were in a place of ignorance and darkness. Jesus had already redeemed us back to you, Father, when He told Mary that You, God of ALL, was also her Father on resurrection morning. You gave us Your identity, Your nature, Your Name on that morning also, before we were even conceived in our mother’s womb. How great is your amazing love Father, for You chose us, before we were even aware of you being our Heavenly Father.
Let your Kingdom come, Christ in us, be manifested through us according to your Divine timing and will, in the earth as it has already been finished in Heaven, so that the world will see that the earth is filled with the knowledge of Your presences as the waters cover the seas.
Father, you gave us the ministry of reconciliation through the power and authority of Jesus Christ, to take dominion over the earth that belongs to you. We ask now Father to pour out your Holy Spirit upon those You have called to be single vision as the body of Christ – speaking blessings in Your Name, and believing that what has been written about Your Love has the power to draw ALL men unto you. You said - as Christ Jesus is, so are we today in this world filled with the Dunamis power of Love and Grace that removes any evil, hell, or even death. Let us be stirred with the desire & passion of Your presence to shout as Paul did, “Oh death, where is your sting or power?”
Thank you, Father, for the equipping of your saints, that you alone be glorified in all we say and do. Your Word tells us that “The spirit of man is the Lamp of the Lord” (Prov. 20:21). Cleanse us of any familiar spirits we have been leading your people with, and fill us with your Holy Spirit we ask in Jesus name so that we are the earthen vessels of Light, Life, and Love doing the Father’s business, so that when the world sees the church, they see Christ Jesus.