Blessing Season of the Omer Part 2
Dr. Audrey Drummonds:
Hi, this is Dr. Audrey Drummonds. I'm with Interior Coverings Ministry and I'd like to talk a little bit further, as a part two of the last video that I did, in reference to Counting the Omer in 2021. We're finishing up, tomorrow is day 50 of the day of Pentecost that we find down in Acts of the holy spirit coming down and forming the church.
What we must recognize is that when you are born again and you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the born-again experience is a turning around experience. It's not that you're choosing him, but he chose you. He chose you before the foundation of the world. You were with him in spirit in the very beginning in Genesis. And it was up to God to make the determination of what your sex gender was going to be, what country you were going to be born into, who your parents were going to be. You didn't get to choose any of that. What language you were going to be born into. The historical time season. He could have put you in the year 500. He could have put you in a BC instead of an AD season, but he chose this particular time, for such a time as now, that you carry particular treasures, treasures, and gifts, and callings for only you to bring transformation in the unity of the body of Christ, that the body of Christ needs right now.
That body of Christ is more than what we refer to as believers in Jesus Christ. It's all humanity because Jesus died once and for all and he goes after a hundred percent. He didn't leave anything for the enemy. So when people tell you you're unworthiness, you're not good enough, your faith isn't strong enough, you got the wrong God, we got the right God, you got the wrong religion. That's junk. That's the enemy talking to de-value the fact that you were born as a child of God and the significance of the cross and the resurrection. It's that there has not been a first Adam since the resurrection because when Jesus went down to the grave, death, hell and the grave, he emptied it. He took it all. He didn't leave anybody down there.
There is absolutely no way that our will is stronger than his. We can pretend it is. We can think that we can deny him and this and that, but when push comes to shove, Jesus Christ, the light of the world is standing before you. It's not a matter of you choosing him or darkness, it's the fact that darkness cannot exist. And when we grasp that and we realized every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, not because we're being beaten into it, but because of a desire of love. That when love is consuming you and the banner of love is just overwhelming you, that's the DNA within our own spirit that's speaking, that has a desire that lets everything go. It's the freedom that you can fall backwards with your eyes closed and know that he's got you. You're in the palm of his hands.
So, when the finished work of what the resurrection really accomplished and not just, "Okay, now we can go out and tell everybody that they have a ticket to heaven." No, it's bringing the heavens kingdom into this realm. This is the hope and the calling that all of the patriots of the Old Testament have longed for, that Hebrews 11 talks about. They've waited for this day because you see there's only one body and the body of Christ is inclusive of those that have already crossed over. That they got a portion of understanding, but they didn't get it all. We, on this side, in the form of being able to speak the word, can declare the finished work. What they, this cloud of witnesses on the other side, yes, your grandmother, your great-grandmother, all the way back to the beginning of time, have been longing for us to speak the word and say, "Death, where is your sting?" It's not there because we are spirit beings, and our spirit then speaks to our soul, and our soul speaks to the body, but it's coming from a heavenly position.
You see, everything that pastors talk about of wanting to go on the other side, no tears, no death, no of all these kinds of things. The longing on that other side is saying, "You got all the goods right now, but you don't know it." You don't know it because you're living a lie less than the truth that sets you free. The truth that Christ in you is the hope of glory and that you are in him, that you died already, and that the life that you now live is Christ's life.
Go to Isaiah 52 verse six. And it says, "Therefore, my people shall know my name." That knowing is not just an intellectual, but it's an intimacy knowing. It's a knowing of the Song of Songs that Solomon talked about. It's an intimacy knowing that a husband and wife have, that produces seed, that produces children. When we know Jesus Christ in that kind of a knowing, that when we have his word within us, and his word is growing and moving, and it's being developed because whether you're a male or female, it talks about spiritual womb. It's not up here, but it's the womb man. And in the womb man, when Jesus Christ places his word within you, his spirit within you, and it developed, you read his word and the spirit quickens it and it makes more of a development and a growth, and growth that out of your inner most being, out of your belly flows rivers of living water. Just like a fountain of living water, the word is growing. But it's going to get circumcised by the heart because the heart is where the throne of God is at and it's going to be a warfare.
But then out of your mouth, the heart speaks. The key factor of that? Are you speaking with a double tongue? Are you speaking life or death? Are you speaking out of a tree of knowledge of good or evil? Or are you speaking with a single eye, with a single thought that says life, light, and love? And that there is no darkness, no death, no sting. When we listen to how we're speaking and talking, and then little things that we end up justifying because that's the way the world talks. The world talks about anxiety in the world, talks about fear in the world, talks about a virus that can get you, of what if's. But greater is he that is in you, than what this conversation that's going on in the world.
Greater is he. That's not just a nice saying, that's not just a ticket of I'm higher and you're lower. No, it's authority and it's power, that by the grace of God, when you know that, it's the grace, that dunamis power, released through the Holy Spirit, that all of the rest of the world, all of the nature, all of the other words of the world is speaking, their power, their dynamics are at a lower frequency than what you're speaking by presence. But you got to know the presence. You have to know who is good. What is good? You see the tree of knowledge of good and evil has a good in there, but the tree of life has an essence of the fruit of the holy spirit called goodness.
So that when God in the beginning spoke, "Let there be light." He wasn't just, "Okay, let's turn a flashlight on." Or "Let's just turn the light on in the room." No, he was speaking life because James tells us that he is the father of lights. He was giving birth. He was speaking his seed out from multiplicities of himself taking forth. And when we understand that the intensity of light and then when he does a double witness by using the word good and he says, "It is good." He's not saying, "Huh, good job. Yeah, that's good." Or "That meets my approval." No, it's more than that. He gave an identity to the word good. He gave an identity of himself to the word light, as the essence.
Just like the fruit of the Holy Spirit, when he uses kindness, love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, self-control, all of those are identifications. They're not just, "Oh, it feels good." Kindness is his kind, divine kind. That's who you are. You can't be a sinner saved by grace and a God kind and expect that the sinner saved by grace is going to have the anointing to be able to lay hands on someone and heal the sick and do the greater works that Jesus wanted us to do. You have to be able to move in your identity, that you were of a royal priesthood, you're of a holy nation now, not just getting it better on the other side, but all of that is for now. And that's what the holy spirit is speaking, speaking to a company of people now. I hope you'll stay with me.
Isaiah 52:7. "How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news. Who announces peace and brings good news of happiness. Whose announces of salvation and says to Zion, 'Your God reigns.'" That's where we're at. But you know who's speaking that? Go back to six. "Therefore my people shall know my name. Therefore, in that day I am the one who is speaking."
See, when you had that relationship with Jesus Christ, when you speak, it is him speaking. You've given him, and I'll use some new age words, a channeling, a vessel, a living vessel, so that heaven's authority comes down through you and now you're speaking it through. And the world's going to argue. The world's going to use things like women are not supposed to preach out there and that'll be a shutdown. You got your doctrine wrong. Where's the rapture in here? We're expecting this and this. How can so many people throughout all of history and all of the seminary schools and stuff not be teaching this? You're way off in left field. Really? They're not teaching it because it wasn't their time. Today's the day. Today's the hour. And God is opening up a whole new understanding that is so inclusive of everything, of recognizing that he owns it all. The enemy doesn't have any rights, except what we end up speaking out of our own insecurities, out of our own doubts, out of our own traditions of men, that this is the way we've always done it. Watch your words.
And when you pray, you pray without ceasing. What does that mean? It means you're always talking to God. You're always talking to your Heavenly Father because he goes with you wherever you go. My greatest hunger and thirst is that the treasures that are in me are fulfilled, that he gave me my assignment, is released into this world because the world is groaning for it. And until that assignment is completed, no enemy can take you, but you have to believe that. A virus can't take you. Cancer can't take you. Disease and sickness can't take you. Now, don't challenge God by go jumping off of a cliff. But when Jesus Christ, Christ in you, is moving and having his being in this earth, it's the same effect that Jesus of Nazareth walked on this earth and nothing could touch him.
Honor God first, with all of your spirit, all of your soul, and all of your heart, leaning into his understanding through a love language of life, and light, and love. Being the light of the world that you're in. I don't know everything, but I know that my nuggets need to connect with somebody else's nugget. That God is speaking that same thing to them and they're not finding it in your traditional Christian atmosphere. Because most of a lot of the traditional Christian atmospheres are living in a fear base of complacency.
Psychology Christians is what I call if you do good, you don't cheat on your spouse, or you don't beat your kids, you pay your taxes, you try to live a healthy life, you don't lie, you don't cheat, you don't steal, and you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you're going to go to heaven someday, but in the meantime you're going to hang on. That's not kingdom. Kingdom is bringing the kingdom into this earth now. This millennial time period of a thousand year reign, it's not a literal thousand years, but it's an eternal presence. It's a one, zero, zero, zero. One is only God. One God, one body, one spirit, eternity, eternity, eternity.
God bless you. Please check us out on Facebook under Interior Coverings Ministry Group, as well as I have a page. And you can also go on my website at www.ICMinistries.org. I'd love to hear from you. And as I had said before, I love to write and I love to talk about the Lord. I am very slow in understanding technology, so if you would like to add your gifts to what God's doing in my life, I would love to hear from you. God bless you and talk to you soon.