A Threshold Crossing: A New Name
Have you ever spent time wondering what your purpose in life is? If we put aside identifying ourselves with our job, our accomplishments, titles, or relationships, who are we? What is our unique essence, values, gifts, and connection we have with others we lean into as our identity in society? If all those things were put aside, are we still asking the question, did I finish my purpose, and do I know what that purpose is that God created in me?
“But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine” (Isaiah 43:1).
“I have even called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not known Me” (Isaiah 45:4).
Did you know God calls us by name? What do you think that name is? John, Jack, Mary, Peter, Sarah, etc? We consider that these names are given to us at birth by our parents, but a deep question is who gave those names to our parents, and why? Some thoughts on this topic are that those names are trending, or family names, but what if God has a bigger picture in His creation within us based on that name?
God desires for us to know Him in a personal way which would include us knowing who we in this world according to what He says in naming us and creating us. In Psalm 139:13-17, “For You shaped me, inside and out. You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath. I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe. You have approached even the smallest details with excellence; Your works are wonderful; I carry this knowledge deep within my soul. You see all things; nothing about me was hidden from You as I took shape in secret, carefully crafted in the heart of the earth before I was born from its womb. You see all things; You saw me growing, changing in my mother’s womb; Every detail of my life was already written in Your book; You established the length of my life before I ever tasted the sweetness of it. Your thoughts and plans are treasures to me, O God! I cherish each one of them!” (Voice).
Yes, we are a Christ one, but my name is not Jesus Christ. I am in Christ and Jesus is the body that I belong to. and the spirit that I belong to, but he is king of a smaller king queen. He is Lord over a smaller lord. Paul’s metaphor in 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 is profound: “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts forms one body, so it is with Christ.”
We are not independent entities; we belong to Christ. Yet within this unity, God has crafted each of us with a unique purpose, identity, and, yes, a name. The question is, what does that name mean for you? It is a lot simpler than you think. See, a lot of times we want to think in terms of, gifts or talents as our identity, but God gave our identity and purpose in our name. With our name identity there's a nature, and character uniquely created within us. Google your name to find out what it means and what country did it originated from. There is identity, purpose, and character in this information that are tools to be used as pathways for your purpose in this season of your life in Christ.
My name's Audrey. My middle name was Lynn. My maiden name was Thomas. That's who I came into this world to be. Audrey Lynn Thomas. My name Audrey means noble and strong with a supernatural power of honor. Wow. My name Lynn comes from ponds, waterside, moving water, lakes, oceans. That says a lot. And then my maiden name Thomas refers to twins as a heaven and an earthly connection. All these things are for me. This is what the Holy Spirit showed me on a personal level.
Other people can have those same names, but there will be a variation – gender, birth, culture, language – that will be unique to them. Your name may be Thomas, and the Holy Spirit may show you to be a twin, but He may also show you a whole different realm of what the word “twin” means for you. Each name, though it can be the same name, has a uniqueness that only fits you. In that uniqueness, it helps to unveil your character, and your nature. The Holy Spirit often uses the names connected with you to unveil questions of why you may be reserved in some things, why you may be strong in some things, why you may be timid, why you may be very forward in how you see things, or how you present things as being the uniqueness of your identity.
For me, it was joined with my husband, Ronald Keith Drummonds, and with that joining of now, my last name is Drummonds, Drummonds is a Scottish name. Drummonds means ridge. It's like standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and making a trumpet-call or a clarion sound! Other people would stand on the ridge and instantly get frightful, and overwhelmed, and back off.
If you know me on a personal level, you will know that I stand at the ridge of life oftentimes when I see spiritually the enemy of God in front of me. I will begin to decree in my spirit a stand against the enemy that says, “don’t cross this line” or “not on my watch will this happen.” That's a ridge standard. That's a watchtower. It's right there in the name. It's who I am. It's part of my personality. So, it begins to unveil who I am in the Kingdom of Heaven right here on this Earth to unveil the glory of God in the earth as the waters cover the sea. If anybody knows me, they know I must be around water. I love the oceans, I love lakes and rivers, but the water must have movement to it.
My husband and I bought some property that had a beautiful pond on it, but the water didn't move unless the ducks were moving around. Where it was situated, it was very quiet. I asked my husband, "Can we put a fountain in it or something just to get those waters moving?"
My husband thought, what difference does it make? It's a beautiful pond. It was a beautiful pond; however, it didn't have any inspiration for creativity because the waters didn’t move. I didn't know that that was part of my personality and my nature, right there in my middle name Lynn was a hidden treasure path to find my purpose.
Look into the meaning of your name because with that name is the joining of the resurrection of Christ Jesus as His body in the earth. This is part of our journey being the bride of Christ and married to the Lamb of God. This is more than maturing in Christ for a someday uniting with Jesus as a bride but consummating the marriage in oneness as bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. This is the identity covenant of Pentecost. Being filled with the Holy Spirit and moving and having our being with Him in heavenly places on the earth. Together we create a new heaven and a new earth while in our natural bodies. That was Paul's desire. That should be our desire.
We should not be making covenants with death! When I hear the body of Christ use words of blessings we get someday, such as a glorified body, or mansions in the sky, when we cross over, we are making a covenant with death. God does not need a backdoor of death. Jesus died once and for all. The sacrifice was already paid, the penalty was done and finished. That is the finished work of Jesus Christ. So, who's the accuser of the brethren?
Christ died for us. The glory of God is Christ in us. Christ in us is the glory. We can't unveil this glory in ourselves until the Holy Spirit quickens us. Jesus Christ is the head of the body of Christ. Think about a headless human body. There would be no life. Without Jesus Christ, there is no head for the body of Christ, just a body.
We can’t even be born again as just a body. Peter told us that in Scripture 1 Peter 1:3, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” It was God who created you to be born again, not you. That's why it's a mockery when we think that we are bringing somebody into a salvation. It is the love of God that draws all men unto Him. All we are doing is unveiling how much God loves him with unconditional love. When the message of reconciliation is brought to people, then it's the job of the Holy Spirit to quicken their spirit to receive it.
If they don't receive it, it doesn't mean that they're not saved. It means that the timing is not there yet, our job is to cover them, and bring forth the love of God even stronger, to recognize what strongholds are causing a hindrance of communicating the of love, and honoring God's timing that it will come to pass. The DNA of God’s name is in ALL humanity. But in the meantime, we've got strongholds going on. Who are these strongholds?
Well, like I said, in my last teaching, a lot has been written on strongholds, and a lot has been written on different kinds of spirits. Paul basically had told us in the New Testament to discern the spirits, know what kind of spirit you're really talking with and dealing with. There is the Holy Spirit and there are familiar spirits. Holy Spirit – Tree of Life in the garden of God. Familiar spirit - Tree of Knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of God. When we learn how to discern, then we realize, oh my gosh, I've been fooled. I've been talking to a lot of familiar spirits of reasoning, of logic, of good and bad, good and evil, from the Tree of Knowledge, and it really wasn't the Tree of Life, the Holy Spirit.
See, the Tree of Life has love, joy, and peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. The Tree of Knowledge has good and evil.
What man calls good is weighted with things like not smoking, cheating, stealing, or lying. You pay your taxes, you come home to your family, you provide for them. These are all good things, but they're not God things of the goodness of the Tree of Life.
Know the fruit. The fruit of the Holy Spirit over here has an anointing on it. The fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, of good and evil has a moment in time where it may be good or it may be evil, but both end in death. So, when we make a covenant with death, whether it's good or whether it's evil, it still ends in death. We're supposed to stay away from that tree.
Who's talking in that tree? I think in Genesis, we have a snake up in the tree talking to Eve, talking to the woman. Remember, God never called her Eve. He called her woman, woman as the church, woman as the body of Christ. That snake is talking to the church. Who is that snake that has rights, more cunning, found its way into the garden of God?
It's a spirit of python. Think about a python snake. In Florida, unfortunately, a lot of people like keeping them for pets. As Christians we're doing the same thing in the church. When we have constriction taking place, when we feel like we don't really have a voice in something, we feel like we've been cut off. When we feel like there's separation and division and it comes very suddenly. Have you had those feelings? You just kind of feel like you're not the fullness of who you are? This is a hinderance to your name, nature, and identity in Christ the body of Christ needs to be present today in the Church.
Anything that's hindering or putting boundaries around the fullness of who you are in Christ for love, joy, and peace to flow through because love is His identity - love is God. Not just a love maker. It is His identity, and it should be our identity, not just how we feel. If that identity is hindered for any reason, so is the anointing of the Holy Spirit, because of a python spirit being given a place at the threshold of you crossing over. For the Lord to carry His bride over the threshold, she must be willing to take on the identity, the name, and the nature. If your name is being hindered of who you really are whom God called, it's a threshold situation.
An example might be that you’re sitting behind a desk all the time, yet you know you're supposed to be out with a free spirit journey. Those kinds of boundaries that limit your love, your joy, and your peace. The peace that surpasses all understanding. You're probably dealing with a threshold issue where fallen angels have rights in the earth beginning a python spirit. The kind of demons would be constricting, feeling like you were strangled, feeling like you can't talk, or feeling like you're crushed. Demons that try to bully you, terrorize you, or even lead you to second guess yourself.
How about worrying? Do you worry a lot? These are all little demons that have authority sent out by a python spirit. And then once you get worn down, then the python spirit has another spiritual angel that helps you just to kind of waste away because you get tired, or you lose interest. See, these are discerning what's really going on. You may put it as, “Oh, I'm just getting old. I'm just getting tired,” but discern the spirit – familiar spirits or the Holy Spirit telling you this.
I talked to a gentleman that just went through major cancer and treatments, and his diagnosis seemed very promising - he looked great. You could see he had the spirit of an overcomer from all the battle that he had gone through. Then he told me he had to get a PET scan. I said, "Don't worry about the PET scan, don't let the PET scan determine your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions, but ask God what your purpose is for such a time as now, and move into that purpose."
Well, as soon as I said that I could see a spirit of tiredness and he said, "But I'm so tired. I don't want to do anything more."
I said, "You have to. You must go out and run your race. Your race defines your purpose beyond the cancer. Otherwise, you'll sit, and you'll worry, and your mind will just stay locked with anxiety and depression. The Holy Spirit is with you, but there is no anointing of the Holy Spirit’s presence flowing. The enemy's got you. You're not crossing the threshold. You're waiting to die."
It's a tough place to be…in our own mind…but God!