A Pilgrimage Journey to Count the Omer
What I'd like to give is a little bit of insights that I've been studying for several weeks now, on counting the Omer during this spring season. As we count the Omer, the season between Passover/resurrection that we would refer to as Easter, to Pentecost or Shavuot, which is 50 days later, this 50 day is a blessing period. It's called the Feast of Weeks. And this is the time that the Lord said in the Old Testament, you don't have to count the Omer. It's a day-to-day pilgrimage with the Lord. But if you do, you will be blessed. It's not going to make a difference of whether you fully come through Passover, but it does make a difference of how we understand the finished work of the cross, and the relationship with the Holy Spirit that is received as the corporate body church at Pentecost.
This is a heart pilgrimage. An inner and outer journey of the heart for the meaning of LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE for the Divine essence of Christ in you as one seeks transformation of themselves.
Something we all know is the definition for insanity is, “We keep doing the same thing over and over again, and yet we expect a different result.” We must be willing to change and realize that God is trying to shake us all out of our insanity, how we've been praying, and how we've been in a relationship with Him. We call ourselves Christians but what is God’s vision of Himself as His church?
God is always doing a new thing every morning. What is that new thing? Counting the Omer teaches us how to have a heart-to-heart pilgrimage with the Resurrected Jesus Christ. Most of our churches teach how to come to the cross, but not how to BE a cellular member of the resurrected body of Christ.
If you've ever been in an in-depth Bible study, you've been a mature Christian for a long time, some familiar conversation would be, "What season are we in?" And you'll hear terminologies of, "Oh, we're in the Elijah movement," or "We're in the Joshua generation," or, "We're in the kingdom now movement," or "The third generation unveiling," or, "The movement of the Holy Spirit."
In the past, it became denominations of Baptist movement out of the Martin Luther, the Lutheran movement, the Catholic movement, the Pentecostal movements. So what movement are we in now? Well, this one, it's off the charts, because what the Lord has shown me is this is the movement of Dinah, D-I-N-A-H. Dinah Generation. And I know for many theologians that have studied and studied, they don't even know this name is in the Bible because women were not recognized very much. I say that because when we go to the Old Testament and hear some of the nuggets, I want to give you, we will all agree as theologians, as Bible scholars, that the first five books of the Old Testament were written by Moses. We agree on that. We agree that Genesis was inspired by the Holy Spirit given to Moses.
If we stop and really start asking “why” questions, when we think about this, instead of just, "Yeah, Moses wrote it," recognize that Moses was writing everything that Christians are believing, what Bible scholars are believing, coming out of Genesis. And yet Moses wasn't there. Moses didn't even come on the scene. So everything he's coming through of showing us, there's a purpose and a reason of why that particular amount of information was given to us and other things were left out.
Why did Moses only write this? Why did we need to know certain information in the book of Genesis, but then he didn't write about other things or other names? Obviously, in the book of Genesis, we have many, many millions of people that are taking place, because we had many, many generations. The first few chapters cover a time period of over 8000 years. The rest of the book covers 500 years. Moses comes on the scene in 1500 BC. Genesis covers time from before 10,000 BC to 2000 BC. There is lots of missing information for Moses to write Genesis, so why did God only give him what we have? There were many men and women, yet in Genesis, we're only given names of certain men or particular women. It's not that the other people were not important or significant in what God was doing, but this is what Moses was told by God to give to us of what we needed to know for such a time as now.
In the book of Genesis, there's a woman named Dinah. This woman is Jacob's daughter. If you recall, Jacob had 12 sons, but he also had one daughter. Where's the daughter? Moses, has brought all the children 430 years later out of Egyptian bondage, crossed over the Red Sea, they're in the wilderness, and he's being given all this revelation about the inheritance for the tribes.
If we tried to write down what we knew of 10 or 11 generations past of our own family life, what would you write down? We're talking about the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great kind of thing of your ancestors. So why does God even bring the life of Dinah into these sacred writings of Moses?
The children of Jacob and their families while in bondage in Egypt communicated history by oral stories and markings on their staff. Moses at the same time is being inspired by God to give us thousands of years later in the beginning. What does that mean? What is God’s intent to pull together of our inheritance and what we're following now? Why was Dinah’s name kept known in time for over 450 year?
Moses is giving promised land inheritances from God to 12 tribes. He's told 11 of these tribes they would have certain literal land locations. The Levitical tribe would have refuge cities within those locations, and that would be their place of domain.
But wait a second. What about Dinah? Was she not a child of Jacob? Where was her inheritance? Theologians have said, "Well, she was a woman and women didn't inherit anything." Hmm. Let's go, and look in Numbers 28, and we find that one of the lineages of the son of Manasseh, which is a son of Joseph, this gentleman, he didn't have any sons. He only had daughters.
They go to Moses, and they say, "Our father didn't have any sons, but should not our father's name be remembered? Do not the daughters deserve an inheritance?" Moses took it before the Lord. And the Lord said, "Yes, they do."
The hang-up is that's the end. We're not told where this inheritance is at. We're not told a plot of land of where that existed. It's just, “yep, they deserve an inheritance” and everything gets moved on. So it begs the question of what land these women had inheritance to claim?
I believe the land inheritance is the land, not of the literal land, as the 12 sons were taking place in, but the inheritance that the bride of Christ, the glory that is filled in this earth, is the inheritance. It's the inheritance of the bigger picture that is being unveiled.
Where I pull all that from is in Genesis. Moses could not have decreed that these women in Numbers, according to the Lord, had rightful inheritance by their father's name, and then turn around and give us the understanding of Jacob having a daughter named Dinah. And where was her inheritance? Where was the inheritance that was prophesied? The prophetic vision that Moses was given to write Genesis.
These are the kind of questions that I hope I can stir up to look back and find out that the inheritance that the women received didn't just come from their own father, but it went all the way back to the promised inheritance of all their fathers' ancestors, including Manasseh's inheritance and Joseph's inheritance.
Open your Bible and look, because this is your promise for this season of this new move that's taking place today around the world.